A Watch That Lasts A Lifetime!
Technical Specs
How can I get updates about the watch?
To get instant notifications about the Chivalry watch, subscribe to our e-mail list, and we’ll share exclusive updates along with attractive discounts and offers directly in your inbox.
Do I have to subscribe to buy this watch?
Yes! Subscribing to your email list will benefit you from multiple things, such as instant access to the watch’s updates, avail huge discounts, and, most importantly, placing you among the Tier 1 buyers who’ll be the foremost to receive the Chivalrywatch. Since we have limited slots, it's advised to promptly subscribe to our email list.
When and where will the watch be available for purchase?
The watch is available on the Indiegogo website. We will regularly share the Chivalry’s key dates with you via email.
Which email address should I enter here?
Make sure to use a relevant and similar email address on every platform while subscribing, booking, or purchasing the watch. You won’t be eligible for discounts or offers if you avoid the same.